When wildlife invades a home, it can create health hazards and damage property. It can also carry disease, especially in its droppings and saliva. Wildlife removal specialists are trained to handle these animals safely and humanely. They can provide a variety of services including prevention, inspections to advise where problems may appear and removal. These specialists know how to repair entry points, deter new wildlife from entering and implement exclusion techniques to keep unwanted wildlife away from homes for good.

The type of animal and the extent of the problem determines how a specialist should proceed. For instance, if a homeowner has raccoons in their attic, they will probably need a professional to remove them and prevent the animals from returning. This might involve using one-way doors to allow the animals to leave but not return, which keeps them away from the home until they can find a safer space. In other instances, a pest control company might offer more permanent solutions like installing rodent barriers to keep the wildlife out.

Some companies, like Terminix, are licensed to perform wildlife removal. This means that they adhere to strict criteria for safety equipment and knowledge of state and local laws regarding wildlife. They also have the expertise to perform a thorough inspection and develop a pest management plan for the homeowner.

Typically, the first step in a professional wildlife removal is to get rid of any feces the animal has left behind. This can be a major chore as the animals can leave very large amounts of feces in the attic, crawl spaces and other hard-to-reach areas of the house. A wildlife removal in arlington texas expert can use special vacuums to clear these areas in a relatively short time.

Once the feces have been removed, the specialist will usually look for and close any open entry points into the house. This includes securing vents, chimneys, dryer vents and other openings. It is also important to inspect and repair any other areas where the animal could have entered, such as sheds and outbuildings. Many companies also have the capability to re-caulk or replace damaged sections of siding or shingles.

What happens to the trapped animal depends on state law and the wishes of the homeowner. Some states allow trapped animals to be released on the property, while others have stricter guidelines about where and how the animals are relocated. In cases where the owner disapproves of releasing the animal, it will be humanely euthanized.

A wild animal control specialist will work with the homeowner to resolve the wildlife issues. The specialist will determine if the animals are nesting or feeding, and take steps to protect the property from future intrusions by eliminating attractants and blocking access. The expert will also consult the homeowner on other wildlife concerns and answer any questions that they might have. This will help to ensure that the homeowner is fully informed about the process and comfortable with how it’s being handled.